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The general administration of customs announcement no. 201

In order to build the customs more close cooperation relationship with the enterprise, better service and convenience for the enterprises, the general administration of customs on October 18, 2016 in China electronic port site launched operation China customs "off - enterprise cooperation platform. Now the related matters announcement is as follows:

A, landing site and log in

Landing site: http://pre.chinaport.gov.cn/jcfweb; Or after entering China electronic port website (http://www.chinaport.gov.cn), click on the page "close enterprise cooperation platform" to enter.

Landing approach: one is the IC card or IKEY card. Already dealt with the customs registration card to the electronic port for the legal entity and operator card companies could land card. Second, no card registration landing, style can only deal with the new enterprise registration, temporarily cannot use platform for other functions.

Second, the platform function

Guan qi cooperation platform mainly has the following functions:

(1) the enterprise information query: enterprises can query through the platform the customs registration information, customs personnel information, enterprise credit rating, the annual report submitted to the situation, the clearance error log, customs information such as the business to handle the situation.

(2) the customs business: enterprise can through the platform to handle the enterprise registration, customs administrative licensing, the enterprise registration information change, change the administrative licensing, the customs certification application, customs clearance error review and other business enterprises.

Troubleshooting: (3) the enterprise can be involved in the problems of customs business through the platform is put forward, the customs through the platform for the enterprise to solve or coordinate to solve in time.

(4) policies and regulations to push: customs through the platform to countries and customs regulations on import and export policy, pushed to the enterprise, so that enterprises in a timely manner to understand and grasp.

(5) enterprise material submitted: enterprises can through this platform to submit the annual report, verification report, enterprise certification material such as self assessment.

(6) of the customs service remind: platform will automatically to the enterprise, customs declaration validity, submit the annual report time business case handling etc. To remind, avoid extended to handle the relevant customs business.

Notice is hereby given that the.


The general administration of customs

On October 17, 2016